Sunday, November 18, 2007

Veteran's Day

So this post is a little late but ... better late than never.
Check out Marvin Mann's story here. Miriam and I know Marvin from Kirksville. I am not sure how Miriam knew the Mann Family (a story for her to tell) but she knew them when I met her in 2000. It would be hard to put all the memories I have from their house/ranch/farm into this post. If you read the link then you know about Marvin's injuries. Marvin is an amazing fellow. No doubt about it. I have had the privilege of getting to know him and his family. I helped Marvin build a playset (more like a small apartment complex) for their kids when I was in college and there is just something you learn from being around a guy like him. Laura (Marvin's wife) is a great lady who will never let you leave her house on an empty stomach (great for me outside of wrestling season ... not so good in). I have much respect for Marvin. Thanks to all the folks who have served or are serving honorably in the military.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Goodness, Corey -
How incredibly sweet of you. We love you and Miriam very much!
Laura and family