Tuesday, September 23, 2008

corey's little secret

I have a small confession to make ... even though I disagree with Barack Obama's views on many issues I had high hopes he would deliver on his "Campaign for Change" promises. I was really looking forward to a Presidential Campaign that didn't deliberately micharacterize the other campaign, distort the truth, and could actually say something good about the other candidate when credit was due. Unfortunately, today I have realized it just isn't so. To be fair I had hoped McCain's campaign would play better too but didn't really have as much hope as I did for Obama's campaign. Politics as usual are alive and well and it is disheartening.

Is it just impossible for a leader to say something like "You know, I was wrong on the surge and I learned ..." or to say "Economic issues aren't my strong point which is why I plan to make sure I assemble a ver talented team of people who understand the issues. While I don't understand all the of the detailed complexities of the economy, here are my guiding principles for my economic approach ..."

I missed almost all of the presidential campaign ads because Miriam and I were in Romania for the last elections (we did vote via absentee ballot). I am not inundated with the political banter now because we don't watch TV and miss alot of the repeat ads. I do check the campaigns' websites and try to do a modest level of checking on facts.

I am just really disappointed because even though I disagree with Obama on lots of stuff, I was hoping to be able to give him a lot of respect for running an honorable campaign. Unfortunately I just don't see it happening. It is disillusioning and disheartening.

Kind of like the Financial Disclosures that finance article writers must disclose about what stocks they own I think it is appropriate that I disclose my political stance. I am a registered republican who voted Bush in 2000 (the first presidential election I could participate in) and Bush in 2004. I plan on voting McCain Palin in 2008.

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