Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Corey vs 1lb frozen beef

Okay, so before you completely write me off as a fool, guys break bricks with their heads all the time (you know ... maybe I am a fool).
This happened two days before Christsmas. I was somewhat energetic and we were having a good time as a family in the kitchen. I had just retrieved 5 1lb packages of frozen beef to thaw for the Crandall Extended Family Christsmas at our house. I saw the frozen beef on the counter and casually asked Miriam, "ya wanna see a guy break a pound of frozen beef on his head?" (I mean seriously, guys break lots of bricks in a similar fashion). Apparently Miriam thought I was joking and said, "Sure." I picked up a pound, stared it down, pumped myself up for 3 seconds and then proceeded to try to break it on my forehead ... and I blacked out and stumbled to the counter where I could feel the goose egg rising on my head.

And the moral of this story is ... frozen beef is harder than a brick. Actually the real moral of this story is "don't be a fool."

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1 comment:

Sarah said...

This is HILARIOUS!!! (I immediately forwarded the link to a few few choice family members. :))